Should You Use Wallpaper For Your Accent Wall?

February 28, 2022

Wallpaper is back!

Looking to refresh a room’s aesthetics without taking on a full repaint or renovation? An accent wall might just do the trick.

Accent walls can add a stylish, unique, and most importantly, subtle addition to your living space that somehow ties together the room’s colors while also breaking them up pleasingly.

But maybe now’s not a great time to bust out the paint cans and brushes. In that case, you might want to consider using high-quality wallpaper covering to create your perfect accent wall

wall covering for personal gym

The Benefits of Using Wallpaper For Your Accent Wall

While painting seems to be the most common method of creating an accent wall, there are many benefits that come with using wallpaper or wall covering. These benefits include:

Endless Choices

Using high-quality wallpaper allows you to choose from many professionally designed colors and pattern schemes. The choices here are nearly endless, allowing you to choose a design that matches your desires and personality. Just a few of the choices include:

  • Grasscloth for texture, cork, silks
  • Stripes
  • Botanical 
  • Nautical
  • Traditional florals
  • Geometric prints
  • Animal prints
  • Murals

And, of course, you can choose to have a solid accent wall color if that fits your space best. Be sure to think about how you’d like the room to feel and research the latest trends.

Hide Imperfections

Before painting an accent wall, all imperfections need to be corrected. If you neglect this step, those imperfections will surely create an eyesore on the finished project.

However, when it comes to wall coverings, you don’t have to worry about fixing those pesky imperfections. As its name suggests, wall coverings can cover up such imperfections, allowing you to get right to redesigning and adding an accent wall rather than backtracking.

Advice For Choosing Accent Wall Color or Design

Customers often ask our advice about choosing accent wall designs or colors. And while we’re, of course, happy to lend our expertise and suggest options, the decision is ultimately up to you!

Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind.

Prioritize The Color-Scheme

While there are certainly many designs to choose from, be sure that selecting a compatible color-scheme tops your list of priorities.

For example, many would like living rooms that are warm and inviting. If this sounds like you, then you’ll want to look into a color scheme that incorporates warmer colors, such as warm grays, gold tones, and select shades of red. Be sure to do your research, as there are many color-to-emotion associations that you can apply.


Solid-Color, Design, or Texture

After deciding on a color scheme for your accent wall, it’s time to finalize a design. Whether you’re seeking a solid-colored accent wall or something with a bit more “flair,” such as the design choices listed above, there are plenty of selections to choose from!

You can even choose to add a bit of texture to your accent wall, creating a unique look and feel that can act as upholstery in your chosen space.

Do What Makes You Happy

Remember, there are many choices when it comes to selecting accent wall coverings. Be sure to pick the option that best adds visual interest to your space. 

You, your family, and your guests will be constantly reminded of the decision each time you look at the wall, so be sure it matches your desired aesthetic.

But don’t let the choices overwhelm you! All it takes is a little bit of imagination and a good, professional wallpapering installation company to bring your dreams to fruition! 

Contact our offices today to see how we can help!